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Claire Holt's fearless approach to style has captured all of our attention.

We are proud to partner with Skate Like a Girl, an organization that embodies the values we hold dear: inclusivity, empowerment, and community.

The fashion world has been stuck on repeat, splitting styles into 'his' and 'hers' as if identity fits neatly in boxes. It should be the tool to simplify the journey of being your authentic self.

The Eye-Opener: Erin McLeod and the FIFA World Cup

Binary Breakdown: Together, Unraveling Threads of Tradition

The fashion world has been stuck on repeat, splitting styles into 'his' and 'hers' as if identity fits neatly in boxes..

We proudly utilise Upcycled fabrics in short runs, crafting limited-edition styles.

We partner with factories that excel in three critical dimensions—People, Product, and Planet.

From apples to pears, and everything in between, we know that every body is beautifully unique..